Tuesday, August 16, 2011

8/12/11 - MD BBQ Bash

For a few years, we've been hittin up this BBQ festival thing in Belair. It seems to get smaller every year, but it's usually worth going regardless. The featured stands have all won various awards for their BBQ skillz. Plus, people in that neck of the woods are fat/trashy and make good subjects for people watching.

My usual thang to do is go around and stick to ribs. Most stands offer this 3-rib sampler, so you can get an idea of what they're working with. After all is said and done, I'll get a half rack from the stand with the best ribs.

This year was a little disappointing in terms of talent. Most of the ribs were good, but not BBQ festival good. One stand's sauce even tasted like ketchup. I was embarrassed for those people. The winner was easy to distinguish, and actually had amazing ribs, not just by comparison either.

They were the only ones with perfectly cooked meat, and also the only ones with incredible sauce. For the life of me I can't remember the company's name. But you can rest assured that once I figure it out, I will present them with their banner that reads "9.5/10 Jeffs. Best Rib Winners 2011" so that they may proudly display it on their stand for future BBQ competitions.

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